DMCC Free Zone Business Setup

Company Formation

Supreme Services streamlines Dubai business setup, from optimal structures to efficient incorporation, ensuring a seamless path to success. DMCC, or the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre, stands out as a premier free zone in Dubai, offering numerous advantages for businesses looking to establish their presence in the region. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and investor-friendly policies, DMCC has become a preferred destination for entrepreneurs and companies from various industries. From optimal structures to efficient incorporation, Supreme Services provides comprehensive support to streamline the process of setting up a business in the DMCC free zone, ensuring a seamless path to success.

DMCC Free Zone Business Setup

Company Formation

Free zones have been effectively leveraged by UAE authorities to entice international investors and expand business operations in Dubai. Investors recognize that establishing a presence in the UAE opens doors to markets across Asia. While the Dubai Airport Free Zone and Dubai Media City are renowned, the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) stands out as the largest, accommodating over 12,000 companies. It serves as a cornerstone of Dubai's commerce and economy, playing a crucial role in regional and international trade. The DMCC's ability to onboard new businesses annually is remarkable, thanks to its favorable business environment, strategic location, and extensive business network. The benefits offered by the DMCC, including those of other free zones, make it an attractive destination for various business setups in Dubai.

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Benefits of DMCC Free Zone

The DMCC, like other free zones in Dubai, offers unparalleled incentives and opportunities for businesses and investors. Some of the key benefits for Dubai free zone companies include:

Duty-Free Imports and Exports: Businesses enjoy the freedom from duties on imports and exports, enhancing cost-effectiveness and competitiveness.

Tax-Free Environment: The DMCC imposes no taxes on companies, providing a favorable tax environment conducive to business growth and profitability.

Vibrant Business Environment: The DMCC's large and diverse business community fosters knowledge exchange and collaboration, creating a dynamic environment that benefits all participants.

No Local Sponsor Requirement: Unlike many other business setups in Dubai, companies in the DMCC are not required to have a local sponsor, offering greater autonomy and control to investors.

Business-Friendly Policies: The government has implemented business-friendly policies in the DMCC, contributing to its attractiveness as a business destination.

Customized Office Spaces: Businesses and investors have access to both customized and pre-designed office spaces, catering to their specific needs and preferences.

DMCC Free Zone Business Setup Documents Required

Company Formation

Documents required for branch office in DMCC

  1. Signed application form for branch office must be submitted.

  2. Manager’s appointment letter issued by the parent company for the branch office must be provided.

  3. Attested Memorandum of Association (MoA).

  4. Certificate of registration is required to be submitted.

  5. Copy of the passports of manager, shareholders and directors are required.

  6. Copy of power of attorney for the manager given by the parent company must be provided.

  7. Business plan for the DMCC company must be submitted.

Documents required for branch office in free zone

These are the documents required for setting up a branch office in the free zone:

  1. Application forms signed by relevant authorities.

  2. Attested memorandum of Association & Articles of Association of parent company.

  3. Manager’s appointment letter issued by the parent company.

  4. Passport copy of the director, manager, secretary and specimen signature.

  5. Passport copy of power of attorney for the manger must also be provided.

  6. A business plan for company formation in the DMCC.

Documents required for individual shareholder

  1. Address confirmation is required through utility bill or telephone bill.

  2. Copy of passport of shareholder with a minimum of 6 months validity.

  3. Copy of passports of the director, manager and shareholder are required.

  4. Copy of Power of Attorney for the manager.

  5. Personal details of the shareholder must be confirmed through the documents provided.

  6. Application form must be signed by the relevant authority in the company.

  7. Letter of Bank share capital must be provided.

  8. Business plan must be submitted in the DMCC.

Documents required for corporate shareholder

Application forms signed by relevant authorities.

  1. Signature of authority is required on the application form.

  2. Business plan submission for company registration in the DMCC.

  3. Passports copies of the director, manager & shareholder.

  4. Copy of Power of Attorney for the manager or other people authorized.

  5. Certificate of registration or incorporation.

  6. Resolution of board for incorporation of brand or subsidiary office.a

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