Dubai Professional Company Formation in UAE

Professional License in Dubai

Do you want to start a professional company in Dubai? Supreme Services assists you in obtaining a professional license in Dubai. From establishing optimal business structures to ensuring efficient incorporation, we guide you on a seamless path to success.

UAE Professional License

Starting a Professional Company in Dubai: Obtaining a UAE Professional License

Interested in starting a professional company in Dubai? You'll need a professional license, essential for businesses that rely on intellectual or physical talents like consultancy, bookkeeping, or graphic design.

Essential Aspects of a Dubai Professional License:

  • Nature of Business: Suited for roles that depend on intellectual skills and physical work, either by an individual or an LLC.

  • Ownership: Foreign investors can now own 100% of a mainland professional company, with no need for a UAE national to hold a majority share.

  • Regulatory Roles: Although a local partner is no longer required for ownership, a local service agent is still needed. Their duties include helping with professional license renewals, obtaining employment visas, and interfacing with governmental and semi-governmental bodies.

With these regulations, foreign professionals have greater control and opportunities in Dubai. Supreme Services is here to help you navigate the setup process, ensuring your professional company is established smoothly and compliantly.

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Differences between Professional Company and Civil Company

Understanding the distinctions between a professional company and a civil company is crucial for business owners in specialized fields deciding on the right structure for their operations.

A professional company enables a licensed professional to conduct practice as a legal entity, while giving liability protection and tax benefits. It is also known as professional corporation (PC), professional service corporation (PSC), and professional association (PA). Some examples of the professionals are engineers, lawyers, doctors, physicians, designers, accountants, etc.

Whereas, a civil company is a business partnership of two or more professionals to perform service-related activities. All the partners involved in this venture must possess a professional degree in their specific field. Also, the owners of a civil company can have any nationality.

Overview of a Professional License
in Dubai

Professional Company License

Benefits of a Professional Company in Dubai

Setting up a professional company in Dubai offers several distinct advantages, particularly appealing to foreign investors and professionals. Here are the top benefits:

100% Foreign Ownership: Foreigners can fully own their professional company in Dubai, eliminating the need for local shareholding which provides greater control over business operations.

No Requirement for Local Sponsors: Professional companies can operate without local sponsors, simplifying the establishment process and reducing potential complications related to local shareholding.

Engagement of Local Agents: Although local sponsors are not required, professional companies can employ local agents without shareholding rights. These agents facilitate essential liaison activities with regulatory bodies, focusing solely on service delivery without any involvement in management decisions.

Flexibility in Business Structure: Depending on the professional activity, the business can be set up as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), which offers liability protection by separating the business liabilities from the personal assets of the owners.

Opportunity for Foreign Partnerships: A foreign company that reflects similar business activities as the professional company can become a partner in a civil company, facilitating expanded operations and synergistic partnerships within the UAE.

Operation Under UAE Civil Code: Professional companies are established under the UAE Civil Code, which permits them to perform only non-commercial or civil activities, providing a clear legal framework and operational clarity.

Restriction on Non-Civil Activities: The professional license restricts the company from engaging in any trade-related activities, focusing the business on its core professional services without the distraction of unrelated commercial pursuits.

These advantages make professional companies in Dubai highly desirable for professionals seeking to capitalize on the strategic benefits offered by the UAE's business-friendly environment.

Top Professional Services

What are some leading professional services? A few important professional business activities include the following.

What services do business consultants provide to professionals?

Business consultants like Supreme Services provide a comprehensive range of services to professionals looking to establish their business setup in Dubai. These services are designed to streamline the process, ensure compliance with local regulations, and set a solid foundation for business success. Here’s a breakdown of the services offered:

Visa and Labor Services:
Submission of visa applications, obtaining labor quotas, and providing necessary translation services.

Regulatory Paperwork and Approvals:
Filing all required paperwork and securing approvals from relevant local authorities.

Local Service Agent Identification:
Identifying and partnering with a trusted and qualified local service agent who can assist in navigating the local business environment.

Legal Document Preparation:
Preparing partnership agreements and Memorandum of Association (MOA) essential for business registration.

Licensing and Company Establishment:
Acquiring the professional license required for operation and ensuring the timely establishment of the UAE company.

Banking Assistance:
Helping in the opening of corporate bank accounts to manage business finances effectively.

Office Location Services:
Assistance in finding suitable office premises that align with the business’s needs and goals.

Client Relations:
Maintaining transparency in all dealings with clients to build trust and ensure clear communication.

Project Management:
Ensuring realistic timelines for all processes to enable effective and efficient setup and operations.

These services are tailored to reduce the bureaucratic burden on professionals and to provide them with the necessary tools and connections to successfully start and operate their business in Dubai.

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