Sharjah Media City Company Formation

Company Formation

Supreme Services streamlines Dubai business setup, from optimal structures to efficient incorporation, ensuring a seamless path to success.

Sharjah Media City

Company Formation

Sharjah Media City (Shams), also known as Shams Free Zone, has emerged as a significant player in the UAE's corporate landscape. Established to foster media businesses, Shams offers a conducive environment for various other industries as well. Its investor-friendly policies and regulations have attracted entrepreneurs and investors alike, positioning the UAE as a leading business hub not only in the Middle East but also beyond. With its strategic location and comprehensive facilities, Shams Free Zone presents lucrative opportunities for businesses seeking growth and expansion in the region.

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What does the free zone offer?

The zone offers many advantages for businesses that were not provided by the other zones setup in the UAE. The setting up of businesses in the Sharjah Media City has been made easy with the terms that authorities have set for it.

Below are some of the most important advantages being offered by the Sharjah Media City to business owners and investors.

Advantages of Sharjah Media City

Company Formation

Is NOC Required Or Not?

The UAE government does not require business owners to obtain a No Objection Certificate from the local sponsor’s setup their business operations in the Sharjah Media City if you have a UAE residence visa. The relaxation has been provided in order to reduce the friction that businesses face due to documentation.

100% Repatriation Of Capital And Profit

Businesses operating in the Shams Free Zone enjoy the benefit of 100% repatriation of capital and profits. This means that entrepreneurs are not obligated to share their profits with any other entities or individuals. Additionally, no corporate or personal income tax is imposed on the profits earned by businesses in the free zone, allowing owners to retain all earnings.


Investor and Partner visas

In the Shams Free Zone, even though physical presence in the UAE is not mandatory for shareholders, visa allocations are permitted for up to 6 individuals in a desk-sharing arrangement. Investor and partner visas can be easily obtained for your company, valid for up to 3 years. Unlike other free zones, there's no need to rent expensive offices to facilitate visa allocation for company staff.

Company Documentation Duration

Setting up a company in Sharjah Media City offers the advantage of a quick and efficient documentation process. Once the application is submitted, complete documentation for company formation is typically issued within a few days due to the straightforward process.

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