UAE Property Entry Permit

Get your Residence Entry Permit Today with Supreme PRO!

Get your UAE Property Entry Permit With Us

Supreme Services offers you a hassle-free process to apply for a property Entry Permit in Dubai, the most lucrative destination for investors worldwide. We help you obtain your investment Entry Permit in UAE through just a few simple steps. Join us and start your journey towards living in Dubai, the land of opportunities.

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Property Entry Permit Criteria

10-year property Entry Permit UAE

  • Invest at least AED 2 million in properties

  • The amount of investment can be divided across three properties

  • In the case of a mortgage, AED 2 million of property value should be paid to the bank

  • The investment should be maintained for 3 years

Are you considering applying for a UAE Property Entry Permit?

Are you wondering about

applying for a UAE Property Entry Permit?

If you are considering applying for a property Entry Permit in UAE, then the Dubai property Entry Permit is an excellent choice for investors seeking to enhance their income and quality of life. With the property Entry Permit in UAE, living in the country becomes effortless, without any significant hassle.

The 5-year investor Entry Permit in Dubai is an attractive option that enables you to legally reside in UAE with minimal requirements, eliminating the need for a sponsor. The investor Entry Permit in Dubai offers the freedom to spend as much time in the UAE as you wish. At Supreme Services, we provide a hassle-free and efficient process to help you obtain your investor Entry Permit in UAE quickly and easily.

Benefits of Property Entry Permit UAE

As a property investor, you can enjoy the tremendous benefits the UAE Authorities offer to those that invest in the country.

You can apply for a UAE driving license

The investor Entry Permit UAE cost is suited to your budget

Reside in one of the most booming economies in the Middle East

Possibility to obtain Entry Permit-free travel to some countries

No local sponsor required

Sponsor your dependents